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Service Bench Oct 2021
TS820S RF Plate Choke burned center pie section (WARC band conversion)
TS820S RF Plate Choke removed from TS-830S overheating at center pie section
Kenwood TS820S RF Plate Choke Sweep
OCF Dipole (80-10 meters) Return Loss Sweep. Note: 1st deep notch at left is 80 meters followed by 40, 20, 17, 12 and 10 meters. The antenna works well on all the bands with exception of 15 meters which you can see has a -5.61 dB return loss or a 3.2 to 1 vswr. Also, 30 meters is not a good performer. The antenna will also work on 6 meters, but I didnt extend the sweep there.
TS820S RF Processor Murata 455khz Filter
TS830 CW-N Frequency Response
TS830S CW-W Audio Frequency Response
Murata K13 455khz Filter (2k ohm terminations)
TS830S YG-455C CW Filter (2k ohm terminations)
TS830S YK88S1 Filter (pass band ripple not terminated)
TS830S YK88S1 ( terminated with 620 ohm resistors)
TS-830S VBT Oscillator 2-Tone Adjustment Method (As-Left = 8374.875 khz)
TS-830S BCB Filter Frequency Response
DC Hi-Pot Test Set 8KV DC
DC Hi-pot Test 6146 Tube Breaking Down Approx 2000 vdc
Murata K5 455Khz Filter Sweep (2k ohm terminations)
Boonton RF Probe Modified For KW Hybrid Work (Probing Molex Connectors)
TS-830 PLL BPF-A As Found Response Curve Manual Method (not good for making adjustments)
RF Millivol Meter/O-scope Probe Adapter for Wire Wrap Test Point Post (TP's on Circuit Boards)
Using Adapter to Measure RF drive voltage at TP-4 on TS830S RF board
TS-830 USB Frequency Response Curve Spectro-gram
TS-830 LSB Frequency Response Curve Spectro-gram
TS-520 As-Found BPF Frequency Response Old Fashioned Sweep Gen Method ( note no KW hybrid markers)